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Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ” (Colossians 3:24). 

We serve many people in the course of our lives who often show no gratitude for our service, or quickly forget it. That is not the case with our service to Jesus. He knows all that we have done by serving others in His name and serving Him with joyful hearts. He will reward our faithful service. While you wait for His rewards, don’t forget to thank the people who serve you. 

Keep pressing on, 

Pastor Tom


Larry Brunelle said...

Pastor Tom,

Responding to this post because it was a place I could find to ask you a question, not because I am on topic.

In your message on 10/7 (which we see in Allen, TX via the livestream), in teaching about how we are made in God's image, you explained nicely how it is that abortion is an affront to God. You also said, as I would normally myself, that God creates a human life at conception. Still, however, I find a problem with that statement as a blanket proposition, for it doesn't quite deal with identical twinning. Surely we believe identical twins, though genetically identical, are distinct persons with distinct lives, and distinct responsibilities before God. As far as we (or at least I) know, they result from a single conception which early on splits into two (or potentially more, but two is entirely enough for my question) distinct embryos.

When we encounter people who believe we can kill off babies more or less at pleasure, we are at pains to say when a life begins, and to do so without fear of contradiction by actually knowledgeable actual scientists. Clearly, in this kind of twinning, we do NOT have a single life from a single conception, but something more. How shall we deal with this fact truthfully and fully consonant with Scripture? I suppose we might say that, when we have evidence of such twinning, it means God has created two lives in such a way, but you can see how this is not going to be such a convincing explanation to the secularist, even one who is not prejudiced beyond the usual consequences of a tax-supported public "education".

Can you, or perhaps any ICR or other friends, come up with a good explanation satisfying both legitimate scientific and Scriptural concerns?

Thanks much!

Pastor Tom said...

See https://www.epm.org/resources/2019/Jul/26/identical-twins-human-life-conception/